Quick Info
All registrations should be for the grade that students are entering into in the following fall. If you would like to register a student different to this, please contact the dean of the camp you would like to register them for and request permission.
Early Bird
Each camp has two prices listed. The first is if registered prior to May 31st, and the second is anyone registered after May 31st.
Paper registration
You are welcome to mail in a registration form rather registering online. If you would like to do so click the button below to download the form.
Summer Camps
for elementary
First Chance Camp (1st & 2nd Grade)
June 20-21 • $80/$100
First Chance camp is designed for families to enjoy together! So kids, bring your mom, dad or grandparent to camp with you and get your camp experience started on the right foot. Adult attendees do not need to pay a registration cost.
This camp starts at 4pm on Friday and ends at 4pm on Saturday.
Dean: Josie Jones • Josie’s Contact: 712.221.0605
Discovery Camp (3rd & 4th Grade)
June 8-10 & July 10-12 • $110/$140
Here is an outstanding opportunity for a young camper to spend their first nights at camp on their own. Discovery Camp is one of our fastest growing camps, so we are excited to offer two different dates for families to have the option of which to attend.
WEEK 1: Camp starts at 4pm on Sunday and ends at 4pm on Tuesday.
WEEK 2: Camp starts at 4pm on Thursday and ends at 4pm on Saturday.
Discovery 1 Dean: Kristi Diffendaffer • Kristi’s Contact: 402.658.4203, kristid@wccomaha.com
Discovery 2 Dean: John Erickson • John’s Contact: 712.346.7880, Johnnyboy_erickson@hotmail.com
Junior Camp (5th & 6th Grade)
June 15-19 & July 6-10 • $150/$180
We believe that ministry to students in 5th & 6th grades (commonly referred to as “preteens”) is so important, which is why we provide multiple opportunities for families to send their kids to camp. At Junior Camp, we ensure that students are learning in creative and fun ways and are finding great relationships along the way!
Both of these weeks of camp start at 4pm on Sunday and end at 1pm on Thursday.
WK 1 Dean: Jeff Hicks • Jeff’s Contact: 402.350.5636
WK 2 Deans: Mike Cooper • Mike’s Contact: 712.229.5599, coopmike77@gmail.com
for middle school
Jr. High (7th - 9th Grade)
June 22-27 & July 13-18 • $185/$215
Jr. High students love to spend a week away from home, so we are glad to offer plenty of opportunities for them to do just that here at Nebowa. We offer two different weeks of Jr. High camp for students to choose from (or why not go to both!), we can’t wait to have you with us!
This camp starts at 4pm on Sunday and ends at 1pm on Friday.
WK 1 Deans: Austin Ettleman & Jed Shermer • Jed’s Contact: jed@whitingchristian.org • Austin’s Contact: 712.216.2673
WK 2 Deans: Daniel Robbins & Tim Jones • Daniel's Contact: 712.216.0108 • Tim's Contact: 712.221.0606, pastortimmyjones@gmail.com
Sport's Camp JV (6th - 8th Grade)
July 27-31 • $185/$215
Come to a week full of great sports instruction and competition, including: basketball, football, ultimate frisbee, volleyball & soccer!
Sports Camp is focused on helping you make a difference as a Christian leader in your church and school! Don’t miss it!
This camp starts at 4pm on Sunday and ends at 1pm on Thursday.
Deans: Tim Jones • Tim’s Contact: 712.221.0606, pastortimmyjones@gmail.com
for high school
High School (9th - 12th Grade)
July 20-25 • $185/$215
It would seem that our world today is making it harder than ever for teenagers to just be themselves. Sometimes it’s best when they can just have a break from things and come and relax - be themselves with other students and adults who care about them, and learn how much Jesus loves them and want to use them to do great things. High School camp is an awesome week of camp where we give students the tools they need to become great followers of Jesus and leaders of their own families and communities.
This camp starts at 4pm on Sunday and ends at 1pm on Friday.
Deans: Theo Hudalla & Jacob Urrea • Theo’s Contact: 402.215.5116, theohudalla@gmail.com
Sport's Camp Varsity (9th - 12th Grade)
July 27-31 • $185/$215
Come to a week full of great sports instruction and competition, including: basketball, football, baseball/softball, volleyball & soccer!
Sports Camp is focused on helping you make a difference as a Christian leader in your church and school! Don’t miss it!
This camp starts at 4pm on Sunday and ends at 1pm on Thursday.
Deans: Tim Jones • Tim’s Contact: 712.221.0606, pastortimmyjones@gmail.com
for adults
Women's Retreat
June 12-15 • $110/$140
The Women's Retreat is designed to provide a weekend retreat where ALL women can come and learn, listen, relax, and recharge. If this sounds like an opportunity you want to take advantage of then please register and come join us!
This camp starts at 5pm on Thursday and ends at 1pm on Sunday.
Dean: Nikki Hererra • Nikki’s Contact: 402.319.8882, nherreramm@gmail.com
crafty camp
September 5-7 • $80
A weekend of fun and fellowship at the lake in the fall. Dean: Helen Steele • Helen’s Contact: 712.229.8812
man camp
September 11-13 • FRee will offering
Boots, beards, and Bible. Come join other men from our communities to retreat and rejoice in the good things God has given us. There will be plenty of manly things going on, including shooting stuff, riding stuff, driving stuff, and eating stuff, and of course, conversations about Jesus and how He is changing our lives. Dean: Jeff Hicks • Jeff’s Contact: 402.350.5636