We appreciate you!
We are looking for help with many aspects at the camp during the Summer. Whether you desire to help serve meals, lead camper groups, or help in the dorms, we have a place for you! Please take a moment to complete the application and one of the deans will be in contact with you.
June 8 - 19
Discovery 1
(3rd & 4th Grade)
Dean: Kristi D.
Kristi’s Contact: 402.658.4203 , Kristid@wccomaha.com
June 12-15
Women’s retreat
Dean: Nikki Hererra
Nikki's Contact: 402.319.8882, nherreramm@gmail.com
June 15 - 19
Junior 1
(5th & 6th Grade)
Deans: Jeff & Turner Hicks
Jeff’s Contact: 402.350.5636
June 20 - 21
First Chance Camp
(1st & 2nd Grade)
Dean: Josie Jones
Josie’s Contact: 712.221.0605
June 21 - 27
Junior High 1
(7th - 9th Grade)
Deans: Austin Ettleman & Jed Shermer
Jed’s Contact: jed@whitingchristian.org • Austin’s Contact: 712.216.2673
sep. 5 - 7
Crafty Camp
Dean: Helen Steele
Helen’s Contact: 712.229.8812
sep. 11 - 13
man Camp
Dean: Jeff Hicks
Jeff’s Contact: 402.350.5636
July 6 - 10
Junior 2
(5th - 6th Grade)
Deans: Mike Cooper
Mike’s Contact: 712.229.5599, coopmike77@gmail.com
July 10 - 12
Discovery 2
(3rd & 4th Grade)
Dean: John Erickson
John’s Contact: 712.346.7880
July 13 - 18
Junior High 2
(7th & 9th Grade)
Deans: Daniel Robbins & Tim Jones
Daniel's Contact: 712.216.0108 • Tim's Contact: 712.221.0606, pastortimmyjones@gmail.com
July 20 - 25
High SChool camp
(9th - 12th Grade)
Dean: Theo Hudalla
Theo’s Contact: 402.215.5116, theohudalla@gmail.com
July 27 - 31
Sports Camp
(JV 5th-8th grade & Varsity 9th-12th grade)
Deans: Tim Jones & Heath Hanson
Tim’s Contact: 712.221.0606, pastortimmyjones@gmail.com