Welcome Ragbrai-ers!!

We are excited to host riders and campers alike preparing for Ragbrai 2018 at it kicks off in Onawa.
Please review the information below. An online form is available below, or, if you wish, you may download
and print a form and send it by mail to: PO Box 222, Onawa, IA 51040


Thank you for your consideration of using Nebowa Christian Camp for RAGRAI. Please be advised and in agreement to the following:

  1. Tent space is available at $5 per day (or 24 hour period) per person (age 6 and up). Use of the camp from Friday afternoon until Sunday morning would be two (2) days. If you come in on Saturday it would only be one (1) day. The earliest check-in is 5:00pm on Friday and you must be checked out by noon on Sunday.
  2. The camp will have a spaghetti supper with salad bar on Saturday evening for $10.  There will also be individually priced breakfast items available on Sunday morning.
  3. Trailer hook-ups are available. The fee for a trailer is $20.00 per day.
  4. No pets are allowed, except service pets. No guns (unless you have a conceal carry permit), knives, weapons of any kind, alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs.
  5. Your rental gives you access to hot showers in the dorm.
  6. Swimming and canoeing are permitted in the lake at no extra charge. We have 7 canoes and 4 paddle boats. Life jackets and water shoes are mandatory and you must provide adult supervision for all water activities. Life jackets are available at the camp at no charge. Please put away any equipment removed from the boat house.
  7. You are responsible for cleaning up your area. We do have another teen camp coming in that Sunday afternoon and need to have the camp ground ready for them.
  8. Wi-Fi is available. Please see the manager for the password.
  9. Weather permitting, we will have a campfire in the evening along the lakeshore. Feel free to bring items to roast over the fire.
  10. An open communion table will be available in the Chapel Sunday morning for those who would like to partake.
  11. Bus parking is available.
  12. Nebowa Christian Camp is not responsible for accidents. Camp Nebowa reserves the right to refuse access to any individual or group. See the Nebowa Camp Board policies for further details.